Reply To: 1.-2. Ballot wordings Hull Cross section and Tiller

Home Forums IDNIYRA Technical Committee Discussion 1.-2. Ballot wordings Hull Cross section and Tiller Reply To: 1.-2. Ballot wordings Hull Cross section and Tiller


Dear All,

It seems to me that we stuck again, despite that we are over the deadline for the submission for the ballot wording.

Could you please make some efforts to finalize the ballots?

In the meantime, I have documented some measurements on my hull what is a common, popular type here in the EU.

The angle of the bottom and side and top is about 1.5 degrees offset of perpendicular. That makes about a 5 mm gap, a difference between the top and the bottom on one side. If we add it up it comes around 1cm divergence all together on a cross-section.

The surfaces are not even at all and there are bumps and warps everywhere, mainly at the bottom.

Although without any measuring device it is not visible at all. The paint is nice and you do not realize this much bias at all.

So, here is proof and we can also say that it is a common issue.

