Boom Stripe

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    Avatar photoRichard Larsson

      Lets make a topic and try this new place to communicate.

      Fredrik S8 have made a proposition that we should get rid of the rule about the boom stripe. I agree.

      It is not a problem to follow that rule in the top half of A-fleet. It is juniors and new sailors that get disqualified for it. This is not what we want. New sailors being unsecure of lots of rules.

      The rule is also totally unnessesary. The sails is what it is. The mark does not change that.

      The measurement of it is hard to make in a perfect way. This opinion is from Fredrik so of someone does not agree i will get the story from him.

      Avatar photoRichard Larsson

        First i am glad this forum i up and running. Well done Deb????

        What has to happen to get going with this question? I think the rule is technically wrong.

        It is unnessesary.
        It gets people we need to the class to find it hard to partisipate.

        It would be proper of us to give a suggestion to delete the rule.

        Avatar photoPaul Goodwin

          All someone needs to do is send in a proposal. From the measurement standpoint I’ve done it many times and it is not difficult, but it is hard to understand without some effort. I also believe it is unnecessary since the foot length is controlled on the sail. I’m all for getting rid of it, I’m not convinced the TC should make the proposal since there is nothing technically wrong with the spec.

          Frederick made a “proposition”, he should actually make a “Proposal”.

          Avatar photoPaul Goodwin

            Richard, I’m seriously not trying to start an argument, but you think it is “technically wrong”. Being a very technical person I don’t understand this comment. From a technical perspective, I understand the purpose of the spec and in this case it is also easy to measure. I agree that the spec is unnecessary but I’m not sure it is the responsibility of the TC to make the proposal if there is no technical issue.

            Maybe I can write a proposal and end the discussion, we can leave it to the class members to decide.

            Avatar photoRichard Larsson

              I do not understand this metadiscussion. Deb posted jus now this text among other: The TC may initiate changes in the OFFICIAL SPECIFICATIONS or OFFICIAL PLANS by proposing a change to both CGGs.

              In this topic we have a member wanting us to get rid of a rule. Our chairman should get us going on this or tell bothCGGs that we will not take this case

              Avatar photoPaul Goodwin

                It is true the TC can propose a change, I’m not suggesting to get rid of any rules. It should take time (usually a lot of time) to get agreement within the TC before we make a proposal. All DN Class members can also propose changes to the Specifications on their own, and it is potentially much faster. I believe Frederick should have made an official proposal to get rid of the boom stripe, there was no reason to bring it to the TC.

                Avatar photoRichard Larsson

                  Ok, sorry to not know the procedure. I and many more have to search for info to do that correct.

                  Avatar photoPaul Goodwin

                    Basically… to make a proposal spend a bunch of time to write it in the best way you can. Consult all your friends for advice. Concentrate on keeping it short but very clear what the intent is. Look carefully for any current Specs or Interpretations that would have to change or be removed. The official language is English, try to get it correct. Send it to your Continental Governing Committee as an Official Proposal.

                    I think the wording in the EPIC agreement for making proposals is written incorrectly. It does not directly provide a way for class members to make proposals. It says that proposals may be submitted by either CGG or the TC, but does not mention submission be class members. I think if you send a legitimate proposal to the GCC they will move it forward.

                    Always keep the guidelines from the Constitution in mind when making a proposal:
                    It is intended that changes in the OFFICIAL SPECIFICATIONS be limited to the following purposes: To make the yacht safer to sail, to minimize differences in sailing performance associated with the design and construction of the yacht, to make it easier or less expensive to build, to make the yacht more durable, and/or to clarify existing specifications.

                    Avatar photoPaul Goodwin

                      Also, if the TC members reach agreement that the boom stripe is no longer serving a purpose, this would be an easy proposal for the TC to make. I would give my vote to remove the boom stripe requirement.

                      Jerry Gapinski

                        Hi All,

                        I agree and the TC could make a proposal to eliminate boom stripe. There are othe issues also on the table that would need to make some action about.



                        Avatar photoSteve Orlebeke

                          Hello everyone, I can finally log into this forum. The security software at Harken was blocking the site…I agree with the idea to eliminate the boom stripe requirement.


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